Jooje's House of Hockey Sticks

I have a vast collection of Hockey Sticks, so I decided to devote a blog to them... Come here for information and links to my favourite stick manufacuters, and sticks that I own.


Another Innovative Invention from RONCO!

I was real tired the other day, and a knife set from RONCO seemed enticing. Ron's cousin was quite funny. I shouldn't watch informercials on 3 hours sleep.

Anyways, I bought another hockey shaft last week. Another, you say? Well, yes. A little while back, I got some tapered hosel blades at a real good deal from ebay, but had just sold my only shaft that would fit them. I kept my eyes open and found an Innovative 1100 tapered shaft, which is perfect, cause I've wanted an inno 1100 for a while. It's an Oleg Saprykin pro shaft, making it my 3rd somewhat affiliated Calgary flames used stick, so I may become a flames fan in my next life. Innovatives are hard to come by in these parts, and cost a pretty penny. The 1-piece version of the 1100 is as light as the Synergy SL, so this shaft should be very light. I'm excited to wait for a funny shaped package in the mail again.

Another stick feature.

This is my Metallics shaft made by Branches. This is a bit of a relic, cause Branches ceased hockey stick manufacturing early last year. I had never heard of them, but a guy on my team had a different Branches stick, so I checked it out. This shaft features the radius grip shape, rounded corners for a more comfortable feel. This is one of my favorite sticks due to the round shape. It's quite comfy in the hands, but alas it is prone to torque in your hands on a quick shot, making the aim a little off. I would use this as a bcakup, but due to it's shape, I can't put a regular end plug in it to make it long enough to use with the blade I want. sigh. A Truly good shaft.

Days gone by...

My old Synergy Grip shaft. I say old, because it was involved in my first ebay auction as a seller. The shaft went for $38 cdn, which is around what I paid for it a few years ago. It was quite light and had the grip coating I liked, but in the end, it was overtaken by lighter cooler looking sticks. I hope this shaft is doing well in Hamilton.