Jooje's House of Hockey Sticks

I have a vast collection of Hockey Sticks, so I decided to devote a blog to them... Come here for information and links to my favourite stick manufacuters, and sticks that I own.


Another Innovative Invention from RONCO!

I was real tired the other day, and a knife set from RONCO seemed enticing. Ron's cousin was quite funny. I shouldn't watch informercials on 3 hours sleep.

Anyways, I bought another hockey shaft last week. Another, you say? Well, yes. A little while back, I got some tapered hosel blades at a real good deal from ebay, but had just sold my only shaft that would fit them. I kept my eyes open and found an Innovative 1100 tapered shaft, which is perfect, cause I've wanted an inno 1100 for a while. It's an Oleg Saprykin pro shaft, making it my 3rd somewhat affiliated Calgary flames used stick, so I may become a flames fan in my next life. Innovatives are hard to come by in these parts, and cost a pretty penny. The 1-piece version of the 1100 is as light as the Synergy SL, so this shaft should be very light. I'm excited to wait for a funny shaped package in the mail again.