Jooje's House of Hockey Sticks

I have a vast collection of Hockey Sticks, so I decided to devote a blog to them... Come here for information and links to my favourite stick manufacuters, and sticks that I own.


Another stick feature.

This is my Metallics shaft made by Branches. This is a bit of a relic, cause Branches ceased hockey stick manufacturing early last year. I had never heard of them, but a guy on my team had a different Branches stick, so I checked it out. This shaft features the radius grip shape, rounded corners for a more comfortable feel. This is one of my favorite sticks due to the round shape. It's quite comfy in the hands, but alas it is prone to torque in your hands on a quick shot, making the aim a little off. I would use this as a bcakup, but due to it's shape, I can't put a regular end plug in it to make it long enough to use with the blade I want. sigh. A Truly good shaft.